Gum sculpting is a procedure that is generally done for cosmetic purposes to eliminate a Gummy Smile and to even out the gum line prior to cosmetic dentistry. Gum sculpting may give your smile a natural, youthful appearance, exposing more of your natural teeth.
As a natural gum structure or as ageing occurs, gums may shrink, giving the appearance of lengthening teeth. Gum recession is also caused by stress on the gums caused by a bad bite. Too much gum or uneven gum levels can detract from an otherwise great looking smile. This can be painlessly corrected by simple gum sculpting. The dentist can use a laser to remove the excess tissue of your gummy smile.
This procedure involves contouring of the gum around your teeth with the aid of latest laser techniques. The result is an enhanced and positively more noticeable smile.
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